Daily Shaarli

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Yesterday - February 22, 2025

Pédocriminalité : les deux-tiers des contenus émaneraient des mineurs eux-mêmes - Next

Par le partage de nude

Article L133-18 - Code monétaire et financier - Légifrance

En cas d'opération de paiement non autorisée signalée par l'utilisateur dans les conditions prévues à l'article L. 133-24,

Vincent Néwem 🚂⚓️🏳️‍🌈 : « les fuites de données récentes sont de vraies cat… » - Mastodon

Les fuites de données récentes sont de vraies catastrophes. aujourd'hui, mes parents se sont fait avoir par des gens qui leur ont téléphoné en se faisant passer pour leurs banques, avec un tel aplomb qu'ils ont envoyés des soi disant coursiers pour "récupérer leurs cartes compromises et les détruire". mes parents se sont complètement fait avoir et on tout donné, y compris leur code. c'est ma mère, malgré sa mémoire défaillante, qui a trouvé que quelque chose était anormal,
et m'a appelé en me disant "ton père est au tel avec des personnes qui nous harcèlent pour avoir mon numéro de carte américan express, je pense que c'est louche et qu'on se fait avoir". les personnes qui lui parlaient étaient tellement fortes dans leur discours que j'ai du crier à mon père pour qu'il raccroche et ensuite m'écoute. on a bloqué les cartes, changé les mots de passe des comptes et porté plainte.
mes parents sont complètement déprimés, ils se sentent très honteux, et ils ont perdu beaucoup d'argent, qu'il va falloir tenter de récupérer. je suis très très en colère, non seulement contre les voleurs qui abusent de vieilles personnes, mais aussi contre ceux à qui on confie nos données et ne savent pas les protéger.

D'après les commentaires, la banque doit payer dans ce cas.

Données ouvertes pour l'analyse des territoires - HackMD

Cette liste (non exhaustive) recence les principales sources de données accessibles en ligne utiles dans des travaux de diagnostic et d'analyse des territoires (aménagement, urbanisme, mobilité, environnement,…)


What is a computer club?

a computer club is where a group of people hang out and do computer together
Doing computer is whatever you want...on computers, together.

the political economy of computing is awful. have you read palo alto? me neither. we should read it. we deserve better than the darpa-funded visions of xerox parc technologists


  • Hang ou in real life
  • reject corporate sponsorship
  • computer club is a collective project


  • computing is political
  • the recurse center social rules foster collaboration and psychological safety
    be inspired by permaculture, small web, diy culture, computing as a medium through which better things are possible
  • try to host computer club's stuff on your own computers in the place that you live
  • be open to interdisciplinary computing
  • be open to different histories and "skill levels" with computing

There is also a list of computer clubs and a list of tools

Blog Stéphane Bortzmeyer: RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
reCAPTCHA : 819 millions d'heures humaines perdues et des milliards de dollars de profits pour Google, selon une étude qui le désigne comme un outil de traçage

À partir du 1er avril 2024, la limite d'un million de captcha de vérification sera réduite à 10 000. La limite du million restera active pour les organisations à but non lucratif, associations et bilbiothèques.

En somme, il existe plusieurs versions de reCaptcha, dont la plus récente est la v3, qui attribue un score de confiance à chaque visiteur en fonction de son comportement. Le reCaptcha Enterprise est une version améliorée de la v3, destinée aux entreprises, qui offre des fonctionnalités supplémentaires telles que la vérification des mots de passe et la personnalisation des actions en fonction du score.

Alternatives: Honeypot, Akismet (pour Wordpress), hCaptcha, Geetest (résoudre un puzzle)

Reimagining Fluid Typography | OddBird

The browser provides a default text size based on user preferences, and our text should be relative to that preference. Establishing our root font-size with an em value helps keep that relationship intact.

About the definition of one rem:

I really do want sites to usually just give me text around 24px (or ‘large’), because that’s a pretty good default for me.

Sites with smaller body text would ideally increase their font size, but sites with the same size or larger text certainly shouldn’t get even bigger.

Yes I share this assumption.

I slightly better approach:

html {
  font-size: clamp(1em, 0.9em + 1vw, 1.5em);
The case for sans-io

How the ZIP format has exceptions and sans-io is justified.

Sans-IO is a programming design does not dictate how the implementation runs, but only what to do (as far as I understand).

The dependency inversion principle says that policies (what to do) should not depend on implementation details (how to do it) ‒ https://www.firezone.dev/blog/sans-io#:~:text=the%20dependency%20inversion%20principle%20says%20that%20policies%20(what%20to%20do)%20should%20not%20depend%20on%20implementation%20details%20(how%20to%20do%20it)

Greg Morris - Saying No

Greg Morris started Micro Social: https://gregmorris.co.uk/2025/02/12/micro-social-the-launch.html

As I wrote about right at the start, I wanted Micro Social to be very targeted in the way it worked. Providing something that I wanted from a micro.blog app, and not becoming all things to all people. It’s easy to get side tracked, though. The app is already a long way away from what I intended it to be, with features and abilities that I didn’t even dream of when I started.

Saying no to these users is hard, but it has to be because he can not do everything.

Demystifying monads in Rust through property-based testing :: sunshowers

To improve testing: throws many test and get a way to verify the output is correct.

For example, sorting numbers by ascending order should results in

for i in 1..output.len() {
       output[i - 1] <= output[i],
       "input {input:?} failed at index {i}, output {output:?}",

Then implement a shrinker to reduce the list to the smallest possible error. Better
input [58, 33] failed at index 1, output [58, 33] than an array of 200 elements.

TODO: https://sunshowers.io/posts/monads-through-pbt/#2-drawing-the-rest-of-the-owl

Qana, influenceuse couette: "Mon rêve en ce moment, ça serait d'avoir un note …" - Eldritch Café

Mon rêve en ce moment, ça serait d'avoir un note pour chaque outil numérique qui évaluerait si les données sont revendues ou non, si c'est sécurisé ou non, le risque que ça soit acheté par une multinationale peu scrupuleuse...

tosdr.org/fr ya ce site qui pourrait ressembler un peu a ce que tu voudrais

Yes tosdr et @exodus sont des supers ressources !

(Exodus Privacy)

a relationship that ended, not failed | Derek Sivers


Bookmarklets (and Custom URL Schemes) Are Criminally Underrated | silly business

What whis means is that it is possible to open arbitrary applications on your system through a bookmarklet while sending data extracted and preprocessed from the current page by custom JavaScript to that application with the click of a button.

How to create a new URL scheme (such as org-protocol://)

what is really neat here is that with a .desktop file and a bookmarklet, you can send Web data directly from the browser to any local application!

How do we get to a world where our GUIs are as powerful and extensible as our CLIs? When I click Open in Emacs on my bookmark toolbar, and Emacs opens to the code I had open in my browser, I feel like I get a little glimpse of that world that could be.

This page is under construction - localghost

A love letter to the personal website

A reflection of your personality in HTML and CSS (and a little bit of JS, as a treat). This could be a professional portfolio, listing your accomplishments. It might be a blog where you write about things that matter to you. It could even be something very weird and pointless (even better) – I love a good single-joke website. Ultimately, it's your space and you can do whatever you want with it. It can be a single-joke website.

On the other side, it is now intimidating to be a newcomer now with all these frameworks. They skip right over the basics.

The website we use today for fun are also businesses. They need an account to view the content. They have a barrier to entry.

Your website, your rules. There's no reply guys on your own website if you want to. it doesn't have the downsides of Twitter.

You can be a creator anywhere on the internet these days, but there's only a small handful of places where you actually own your own content. Your own website is one of them.

Now AI is generating slop. During the talk, Maggie asks: is there a future in which we need to have some kind of "reverse Turing test" to prove our humanity on the internet?

The whole point of WWW is to be decentralised and independent. It was released as an open standard so that access could be as democratic as possible.

To bring the WWW spirit back, we can carve out our own individual spaces on the web. HTML is accessible, and there are many web services to build websites nowadays. So why aren't we doing it? we don’t build websites for ourselves like we used to, we build them for the audiences we want.

Try something. For the nerds: try out. The site deploys in less than 30s. Try new CSS things as lomng as you rely on progressive enhancement.

The personal site isn't dead. It's just been forgotten in the commercialised, capitalist web of today. We owe it to ourselves to rediscover this lost art. [...] So, once again my digital call to arms: build your own website. Make it fun. Make it pointless. But most importantly: make it yours.

Appendix: look at these cool websites