Daily Shaarli
January 26, 2025
Technical debt ? It's not anymore if the dependency is vendored in the crate itself.
AI is an ideological project to shift authority and autonomy away from individuals, towards centralized structures of power. Projects that claim to “democratize” AI routinely conflate “democratization” with “commodification”.
Ce n’est pas libre, puisqu’on ne contrôle pas du tout la façon dont ce logiciel a été entraîné et qu’il est matériellement impossible (sauf à avoir les capacités de stockage et de calcul d’OpenAI) à reproduire soi-même.
- know your audience
- careful with breaking changes
- document your way to features when the feature is out of scope of the project
- follow the tag on StackOverflow
- Micro-optimizations can matter
Rust is associated to software engineering. The post confirms rust concepts.
In all cases, it takes time for the worst or the best.
Session os a fork of Signal that aims to be decentralized.
The response of Session: https://web.archive.org/web/20250117085555/https://getsession.org/blog/a-response-to-recent-claims-about-sessions-security-architecture
and another blog post: https://soatok.blog/2025/01/20/session-round-2/
On the contrary I have some expectations.
I exist only at the moment.
I exist for a better future.
If I die tomorrow, I wouldn't mind at all.
I could have don more without dying.
If life is fleeting and fragile, why do we exhaust ourselves with ambition?
Good point. I didn't thought about it.
If I succeed at things, I don't feel happiness. If I fail at things, I don't feel sadness. Because I know that there is no difference between them, just like life and death.
I feel satisfaction when I succeed at something.
Jon Gjengset make great tools. The idea of Noria is to compute reads in advance when update occurs. It leads to faster reads.
At a high level, Noria takes a set of parameterized SQL queries (think prepared statements), and produces a data-flow program that maintains materialized views for the output of those queries.
Humans tend to make mistakes at the edges of our knowledge, our mistakes tend to clump around the same things, we make more of them when bored or tired, and so on. We have as a result developed controls and systems of checks and balances to help reduce the frequency and limit the harm of our mistakes.
The mistakes of AI models (particularly Large Language Models) happen seemingly randomly and aren’t limited to particular topics or areas of knowledge. Models may unpredictably appear to lack common sense.
If these are true, this is huge. We already had assumptions. Time will tell.
An operator button that provides access to your digital accounts. What could go wrong?
An electric car have a lifespan of 18.4 years, compared with 18.7 for petrol cars and 16.8 years for diesels.
For the recent electric car technology, not bad!
Read the paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-024-01698-1
C'est maintenant clair et explicite.
A software system's structure is essentially a formalized bet on change patterns you anticipate having to deal with in the future.
The AI prioritize safety above all.
Having to read a TODO-list is a pull-based productivity: if you don't pull, you miss.
Anirudh Oppiliappan uses the phone's Reminders app. A push-based approach.
An accessibility decision tree for the alt
Another possible reason for building a custom desktop computer in the future might be to use alternative components in place of those used by PC manufacturers to intentionally hobble their PC's. The fact that computers are becoming more locked down and less general-purpose should not be a secret.
I had 3 personal laptops during my entire lifetime. It is enough:
- one before college
- one during college
- one nearly after college
On the other hand, games are not really possible on them.
My wife is on Instagram. She just did this.
She heard there was weird stuff happening. She searched “#Republican” and “#Democrat”.
CSS library based on Counter Strike 1.6 UI.
Le terrorisme stochastique désigne une communication de masse avec pour objectif d’inciter de manière aléatoire des acteurs à commettre des actes violents ou terroristes qui sont statistiquement prévisibles, mais individuellement imprévisibles
Group of accounts ready to be followed. A starter pack.