Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

January 24, 2025

Prototyping in Rust | corrode Rust Consulting

How to prototype in Rust?

  • use simple types: String, Vec, Box, Rc and Arc<Mutex> to avoid ownership and lifetime issues.
  • make use of type inference
  • use .unwrap(), and quick context with bail!() und with_context of the crate anyhow
  • run the code (and tests) automatically with bacon
  • have a look to cargo-script
  • Use println! and dbg! for debugging: dbg! has advantages such as printing file name and line number, outputs the expression adn less syntax-heavy. dbg!(x)
  • Design through types
  • rely on the todo! macro
  • rely on the unreachable! for assumptions of dead code branches: it documents assumptions
  • rely on assert! for invariants: it documents assumptions
  • avoid generics and lifetimes: use concrete types and owned types
  • keep a flat hierarchy (of files), then only starts playing with mod around. All in the same file.
  • start small
La production d'électricité française a atteint son plus haut niveau depuis 5 ans | RTE

Une excellente nouvelle.

*le redressement rapide de la production nucléaire (361,7 TWh), après un niveau historiquement faible en 2022 (279,0 TWh) et une reprise progressive en 2023,

  • une production hydraulique exceptionnelle, au plus haut depuis 2013 (74,7 TWh)
  • la croissance soutenue de la production des filières éolienne et solaire (70 TWh en 2024, contre 46 TWh en 2019).
Man Pages | ManKier

A better man page online

Lecoindeslgbt : « [THREAD] L'Education Nationale est en train d'ent… » - Piaille
The UX of login codes | Brad Frost

Anyways, there’s a real friction between great UX and great security, and I can appreciate a lot of the challenges and compromise required to strike a balance.

The UX is currently hard.

There is often websites that have "bad" UX as listed in the post. The majority starts to have the "better". The "best" does not exist yet.

6 CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know In 2025 · 19 janvier 2025
  • Springy easing with linear()
  • Typed custom properties
  • View transitions for page navigation
  • Transition animation for and [popover]
  • Transition animation for
  • Animated adaptive gradient text
tw93/Pake: 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用

It uses Tauri under the hood to provide efficient defaults to desktop apps.

Anatomy of a data center | Gerry McGovern

L'impact réel des data center en quelques paragraphes.

UI is hell: four-function calculators - lcamtuf’s thing

It's more complicated than initially thought.

HTMLemoji.eu - copy & paste
Notes and Drafts | Plaintext Productivity

Key points

  • Writing is a way of thinking. Write early and often and always.
  • Write in plaintext to concentrate on writing rather than formatting.
  • Keep a work journal to help focus your thoughts at the beginning of each day.
  • Keep standing files, such as "someday/maybe", to capture far-off tasks and keep your main to-do.txt file lean, clean, and relevant.
  • Write a personal manifesto to help define yourself.
  • When creating drafts of your work product, focus on content and structure, rather than formatting.
  • Use the lightweight markup language Markdown to provide basic structure and formatting hints to your drafts.
  • Use a really good text editor, such as Sublime Text, that keeps your hands on the keyboard, for efficient writing and word processing.
  • Backup and revision history are important. You don't want to lose anything.
Learn about Web Browser Client Hints - WhatIsMyBrowser.com

So it's similar to user agents, do the same thing without standard. What could go wrong? Well the same as User Agents.

Our Customers Demand Terrible AI Systems - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

Put AI everywhere

Build It Yourself | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings

About dependency churn: how can we have less dependency?

LinkedIn sued for allegedly training AI models with private messages without consent | The Record from Recorded Future News