Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

December 4, 2024

The Hype Around Signals — Smashing Magazine
The Proliferation and Problem of the ✨ Sparkles ✨ Icon

The misleading meanings of the sparkles icon

The sparkles icon has become a primary way to represent AI-related features and actions

🙄 and no one is capable to tell what the AI features are. They are still a mess in some way, but hey it's AI driven so it's awesome.

Forced to upgrade | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog
Robots.txt pitfalls: what I learned the hard way | Lobsters
La pornographie de l'inspiration - lesdevalideuses.org

Si la vue d’une personne handicapée heureuse et épanouie, ou du moins luttant du mieux qu’elle peut dans une société qui n’est pas adaptée, vous émeut, ne venez pas nous féliciter en nous caressant la joue. Venez plutôt lutter avec nous pour que nos réussites deviennent l’ordinaire.

La nouvelle fonction secrète d'iOS 18 qui donne des sueurs froides aux enquêteurs de police | Protection des données | Le site de Korben
Daniel Gultsch: "I installed #Signal and #Conve…" - Mastodon

Signal seems to consume a lot of battery.

Pourquoi les riches veulent-ils toujours être encore plus riches ? - Frustration Magazine
Everybody Codes

Similar to the advents of code

How I build things | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog

Similar to a gardener.

Play around with ideas, follow intersting threads and see where it goes.

When something start to make sense, a TODO list follows.

As for staying motivated during the build process, while I don't have anything prescriptive I did write a post on what works for me.

Adactio: Journal—Unsaid

UX and AI, but no single speaker addressed the training data sources, the energy requirements,

But never once did the question arise of whether it’s ethical to even use these tools.

One topic was expressed: the AI slop

There’s a quote by Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen that UX designers like repeating:

Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context. A chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.

As Molly White states:

There are no ethical uses of current large language models.

Dreaming Of Miracles (December 2024 Wallpapers Edition) — Smashing Magazine
WebGlossary.info · 3,787 Terms and Concepts of Web Development, Web Design, and Related Fields

Exactly what I wanted to build !

HTML link, or button, that is the question / Marijke Luttekes

In short:

  • Anchors (links) are for navigating within the current document (page) or to another one.
  • The dedicated "submit" and "reset" buttons are for specific form actions.
  • Regular buttons are for (JavaScript) actions.
  • Links can be styled to look like buttons and vice versa.

Link for navigation.
Buttons for actions.

"Look and feel" can be adjusted in CSS anyway...