Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

November 19, 2024

Data Breach Database — ⁨Mozilla Monitor⁩
[blog] Une étude qui montre que les intervenants sur des catastrophes ont des croyances erronées sur l'humain - Hacking social
French IRIS tiles
Compile SQL to type-safe code | sqlc.dev

The perfect prisma alternative?

80 / 20 accessibility · marcus.io

What are the 80% quickwins?

  • alt texts or attributes for images are missing
  • Contrats
  • everything usable with a mouse should be touchable on smartphones or actionable through the keyboard
  • provide metadata in HTML markup for documents or informations

The 20% left is ARIA.

Another idea for the ‘problematic 20%’ would be to get (paid) help from those affected and/or specialised teams. But both groups would be happy if the organisation booking them already knew the basics, went 80% of the way to accessibility and thus came into the project as specialists for the remaining, more difficult accessibility or UX headaches (a.k.a the 20%).

Delivering Superior Banking Experiences
List of data breaches - Wikipedia
Max Bo
Reactive HTML notebooks ⋅ Max Bo

HTML webpages as reactive notebooks

X - Comment l'algorithme d'Elon Musk manipule les opinions | Réseaux sociaux | Le site de Korben

Et ne parlons même pas de la transparence… Musk, qui se targue d’être un défenseur de la liberté d’expression, n’a jamais communiqué sur ces modifications algorithmiques. Il préfère tweeter des mèmes douteux et se foutre de la gueule de ceux qui osent le critiquer.

My anti-overlay client letter - Alistair Shepherd

An argumentation against accessibility overlays.

Generate an Accessibility Statement | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
IonicaBizau/git-stats: 🍀 Local git statistics including GitHub-like contributions calendars.
HTML Form Validation is heavily underused
