Daily Shaarli
October 12, 2024
Open source: you all should use open source and private services because we’re not a corporation out to exploit you or your data.
Disabled users: hey, your registration edit field is not labeled so I can’t use my adaptive technology to register or even use your platform. Could you fix it, because, right now, the mainstream/corporate offering has taken accessibility more seriously and I’d rather use a tool/service that I won’t need to struggle with in order to operate.
Open source: what exactly do you expect? We can’t be expected to make things accessible for you, so you can either fork it yourself or just not use our software/services. We’re a small team and corporation has more money than we do so they can devote more time and effort to accessibility. You can always fork the project though and make accessibility yourself!
Disabled user: well, I can’t code, so it looks like I don’t have any other choice but to go back to using this corporate offering that at least took the time to label their registration field correctly and actually took my request more seriously. Oh well, maybe open source tools just aren’t for me.
There's a lot of helpful CLI tools, which can make your life in the command line easier, faster and generally more fun.
This post outlines my top 50 must-have CLI tools
Can be found in the list:
TheFuck, zoxide, tldr, scc, exa, duf, aria2, bat, diff-so-fancy, entr, exiftool, fdupes, fzf, hyperfine, just, jq, most, procs, rip, ripgrep, rsync, sd, tre, xsel, bandwhich, ctop, bpytop, glances, gping, dua-cli, speedtest-cli, dog
CLI productivity apps: browsh, buku, cmus, cointop, ddgr, khal, mutt, newsboat, rcole, taskwarrior, tuir.
Dev suits: httpie, lazydocker, lazygit, kdash, gdp-dashboard, ngrok, tmate, asciinema, navi, transfer.sh, surge, wttr.in
Fun: cowsay, figlet, lolcat, neofetch
Today a friend shared a video on TikTok with me that I promptly sent to my wife because I knew she would find it funny. It is funny (this is a non-tracked link). A few hours later that friend said "Oh your wife has watched it" because TikTok notified him, with her username, that she had watched it. What the actual fuck.
The GDPR is not properly implemented everywhere. Aeris shows an example... and most of the projects are not GDPR compliant.
The purpose of the attack appears to be for intelligence collection as the hackers might have had access to systems used by the U.S. federal government for court-authorized network wiretapping requests.
This is why putting a backdoor is risky
You don't need to tell in the UI that X feature is amazing. People will see it.
You can however hint on the feature: you can do X.
Static web publishing for Front-End Developers
Focus on the Moon, it shows the sky as your POV depending of the location.
A professional network that shares incorrect, incomplete, outdated or false information...
At the same time sharing false information is an infringement of the end-user license agreement
Rule: Ellipsis in text should be avoided for actions
"It turns out that if you put Elon Musk on the graph, almost the entire US population is crammed into a vertical bar, one pixel wide. Each pixel is $500 million wide, illustrating that $500 million essentially rounds to zero from the perspective of the wealthiest Americans." - @kenshirriff, Wealth distribution in the United States
Owning one or multiple blogs. It all depends on the need. Leon Mika provides his usage, on the contrary of Kev Quirk in Why Have Multiple Blogs
I am talking to those who may not know much about computers [and have the most efficient buy]
The first is to always understand what you need before you buy.
The next strategy for minimizing the cost of computer ownership is to develop the habit of using efficient software in order to put off buying new hardware for as long as possible. [...] Over the long term, renting almost anything is more expensive than buying.
Amazon sells used computers, but the best place to shop online that I have found is EBay. (EBay is not paying me to say this.)
and more in-depth tips
A competitor to dig
Ce gouffre économique. On pourrait tellement faire d'autres choses avec ces 10.4 milliards de dollars. L'IA pourrait bien être la prochaine bulle qui causera la crise financière, car l'attente de résultat est toujours en attente.
The .io should disappear in 4 or 5 years. Each TLD has its own rule!