Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 21, 2024

Ultra high resolution photo

The highest resolution image.

This is the largest and most detailed photo ever taken of a work of art. It is 717 gigapixels, or 717,000,000,000 pixels, in size.

The distance between two pixels is 5 micrometres (0.005 millimetre), which means that one pixel is smaller than a human red blood cell.

The team used a 100-megapixel Hasselblad H6D 400 MS-camera to make 8439 individual photos measuring 5.5cm x 4.1cm. Artificial intelligence was used to stitch these smaller photographs together to form the final large image, with a total file size of 5.6 terabytes.

VIDEO. Pluie d'erreurs chez Météo France : l'automatisation mise en cause
Les autorités ont-elles réussi à compromettre l’anonymat sur Tor ? - Next
IA : Microsoft, BlackRock et des fonds vont investir 100 milliards de dollars

100 milliards dépensés dans l'IA au lieu d'autres secteurs comme l'éducation.

Comment cette technologie va-t-elle être rentable avec la consommation en ressource nécéssaire?

Unexplained ‘Noise Storms’ flood the Internet, puzzle experts

ICMP packets with "LOVE" in ASCII.
TCP packets with different window sizes.

This strange traffic mimics legitimate data streams, and while it's not known if it's malicious, its true purpose remains a mystery.

Emue design | Studio de conception graphique sensible et sur-mesure

Wow les réalisations sont inspirantes. Simples et claires.

Se serrer la ceinture alors qu'on est déjà en slip - Broute - CANAL+ - YouTube
2024 PT5 - Wikipedia

Traduire cet article en fr

aeris (@aeris) | Firefish - imirhil.fr

Générer dynamiquement des champs de formulaire totalement débile qu’on cache ensuite avec toutes les astuces de la terre pour ne pas les afficher aux utilisateurs. Mais pas aux bots.
Le champ est rempli à la soumission du formulaire ? Ah ben dégage le bot hein ☺️

Is Tor still safe to use? | The Tor Project

The attacks occurred on an old version of the long-retired application Ricochet that lacked new features The Tor Project has released since to mitigate against the kind of 'timing' analysis described in the articles.


Matt Brichler on the 99% of people lie:

"People have a terrible habit of assuming “everyone” does something, when that’s simply not the case."

Everyone thinks that their perception of the world is correct. It’s only when you begin to realise that the way you look at things is nothing more than your perspective that it becomes infinitely more valuable.

The best thinkers can see things from other angles and come to open conclusions with the confidence to both defend their position and be open to new ideas.

Design d'interface | La bib'

Elle est toutes les bibliothèques que j'ai connues, ce que j'y ai trouvé de mieux et ce que j'aurais aimé y construire. Bref, La bib' est la bibliothèque de mes rêves, quand je rêve du coin de la rue.

zy 🍉: "@scudery@piaille.fr" - masto.bike

2 km/h dans 2h --> 4km de parcourus
2 km/h dans -2h (il y a 2 heures) --> -4km de parcourus
-2km/h dans 2h --> -4km de parcourus (en arrière)
-2km dans -2h --> 4km de parcourus

Always use an enum for your status field · Applied Cartography

Shift is_active to something more generic: a status field, so we can expand it down the line for other parts of the state space.

Honestly, 80% of the time in these meetings I just tell people to either use an enum instead of a boolean or to make it more clear which data is events and which is state. I'm always right, it's always useful, and there's never that much fuss about it.

The HTTP Archive

In addition to the content of web pages, it's important to record how this digitized content is constructed and served. The HTTP Archive provides this record. It is a permanent repository of web performance information such as size of pages, failed requests, and technologies utilized. This performance information allows us to see trends in how the Web is built and provides a common data set from which to conduct web performance research.

wordfreq/SUNSET.md at master · rspeer/wordfreq · GitHub
  • Generative AI has polluted the data
  • Information that used to be free became expensive

If someone is collecting all the text from your books, articles, Web site, or public posts, it's very likely because they are creating a plagiarism machine that will claim your words as its own.