Daily Shaarli
August 16, 2024
- parse a phone number
- normalize a phone number to E164 from local phone number or international codes
- detect if the phone number is valid
- get the country code from a phone number
I will read it someday :)
To be tested. I don't know if such app provides value or is a simple checklist that does not ensure accessibility.
an arena is a way to store your data somewhere without directly going through the system allocator. If you have a lot of small objects which you don’t mind to deallocate together instead of individually, this can be a lot faster. You could use a Vec for this. However, if you store data in a vec its address might change all the time.
Some thoughts about high-leverage job.
Where to start: https://www.givewell.org/about.
The website contains a lot of information: goals, how and mistakes!
How to display free places for a show. It uses an API from a Google Form.
Microsoft y indique qu'ils mettent simplement un outil à disposition et que l'utilisateur est responsable de tout: droit d'auteur, .
Microsoft stocke des informations sur sa création et associe ces informations et le contenu à un identifiant de contenu
Article anglais original de la dépêche de NextImpact: https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/14/microsoft_services_agreement_update_warns/
Ce guide est destiné à informer et conseiller les syndics bénévoles ou futurs
syndics. L’Anah (Agence nationale de l'habitat), l’Anil (Agence nationale pour
l’information sur le logement) et la CLCV (Consommation, Logement et Cadre
de Vie) ont souhaité vous apporter les clefs de vos missions via ce guide.
Il sera régulièrement complété et mis à jour
A feeback about starting a small business. It is full of insights and experiences.
A feedback from an Apple enthusiast
There are many books on leanpub :)
The top categories reference programming languages, architecture and so on.
Called "impl Trait type"
ObsoHTML is a Node.js script designed to scan HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and TypeScript files for obsolete or proprietary HTML attributes and elements (in scripts, it would catch JSX syntax). It helps you identify and update deprecated HTML code to be more sure to use web standards.
Insight 1: trust
Insight 2: loneliness
Insight 3: finances with big peaks and a couple of month of a lull