Daily Shaarli
August 9, 2024
The user expérience should be what matters the most.
Web 3 for Read, Write, Own...
If the platform or service dies, you don't own it anymore. The same occurs when a platform can steal.
The author outlines https://mirror.xyz/ as an example. I didn't get into it yet.
Self-hosting is web3 at the end.
In just twenty years, OpenStreetMap grew from a small UK-based mapping project into the largest crowdsourced and crowd-worked geospatial project of all time. Mapped and managed by tens of thousands of volunteers all over the world, OSM is the leading provider of open source geospatial data, reaching billions of people each year through a universe of applications and products that use its data for free under the Open Database License.
C'est similaire de mon côté: un lecteur de flux RSS, un shaarli, et un tag "aConsulterPlusTard" et pas de reste en revanche. Sebsauvage va plus loin avec son propre wiki et la liseuse pour de longues lectures.
A successor for Insomnia and Postman. It catches API requests for now.
Diagram titled 'Possible causes of your problems'. On the left hand side, subtitled 'Yes': Funding removed from local councils, growing gap between rich and poor, multinational companies not paying their taxes, lack of new affordable housing, government not investing sufficiently in schools and healthcare. On the right hand side, subtitled 'No': Picture of small boat, with arrow; 'People fleeing horrific situations that you and I can't imagine'.
It's hard to have a good privacy nowadays