Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

August 2, 2024

Evvy :neofox_floof:: "this is my flavor of autism :neocat:" - LGBTQIA+ and Tech

Which european language am I reading?

Looping punk rock: ""Cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Par…" - ACP

La Scène a été parodié plusieurs fois.

"You weirdos only get offended when it's drag queens"

Cela ne veut pas dire que c'est bien. Pourquoi un tel engouement maintenant et pas pour les autre? Où est la différence?

Citations, proverbes Femme

C'est affligeant.

Lorsque le code peut tuer ou guérir – Framablog

La certification peut coûter quelques millions, ce qui est un freins pour le développement de logiciel open-source.

Medical Device Coordination Framework est un outil de coordination des appareils médicaux. L'objectif est de développer une plateforme matérielle open source.

dirs_next - Rust
Smudge The Insult Cat 🐀 - mas.to

What if I told you getting 200$ for passing GO in Monopoly is an example of universal basic income

With Fifth Busy Beaver, Researchers Approach Computation’s Limits - Quanta Magazine
htmz - a low power tool for html

An even smaller subset of htmx: it loads HTML onto any element in the page on request, and that's it.

Mausoleums of The Web

Regardless of what your parents may have once told you, it is not true to say that once something is online, it will be there forever. On the contrary, we’ve lost significant chunks of what used to be part of the World Wide Web to time and ‘link rot.’

Inevitably, the content of the dead is also changing how we grieve, with an increasing body of research showing that forms of online or digital content are replacing traditional mourning objects such as items of clothing, trinkets, religious symbols, or gravestones.

I suspect (or hope) that when I pass, the web may look very different. Yet I can’t help but wonder what will happen to all the essays, photos, posts, and messages I have shared and will share online in the future.

Read more about it: https://neonaut.neocities.org/cyber/crypt/