Daily Shaarli
July 20, 2024
Les vêtements déposés dans les bacs de dons vont dans cette entreprise
In the presence of uncertainty, acquiring information is often the best way to generate value. — Dan Milstein
1 hour of planning can save you 1000 hours of coding. 1 hour of coding can save your 1000 hours of planning. There is no science to figuring out which case you’re in. Only art. — Robert Roskam
OK a queue of tasks: tasks build a feature. In a sprint, the story points (and velocity) are replaced with tasks (or task rate).
Reacting to fast feedback is literally the point. you update the tasks with the new information. Your team can mob around the new information and add new tasks and remove tasks that no longer apply.
You get more accurate projections and estimates because you stopped estimating.
There is one way to control the flow rate from the support queue: quality control and rapid response to support issues. Higher quality control is designed to reduce the output of issues which could potentially trigger support requests. Rapid response allows you to immediately deal with any issues that quality control didn't catch but your customers did.
Another small compiler to add, substract, multiply and divide numbers
The HTML standard for web developers
Ce serait bien d'avoir la source accessible pour confirmer ces chiffres...
En recherchant rapidemment, on trouve le post d'Ipsos directement: https://www.ipsos.com/fr-fr/les-francais-sur-la-route-une-nette-baisse-de-la-conscience-des-risques-lies-au-jet-de-dechets
Puis le document complet sur les gestes éco-responsables sur la route des vacances https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-07/Ipsos%20FVA%20-%20Baro%20environnement%20-%202024.pdf
et le communiqué de presse https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-07/2024-07-18_DP%20Fondation%20VINCI%20Autoroutes_Enqu%C3%AAte%20et%20campagne%20d%C3%A9chets_DEF.pdf
The calories burnt is nearly unrelated to the lifestyle.
Chronic inflammation is one of the major contributors to many serious diseases.
The immune system over commits with a lot of available calories. The body produces also cortisol.
Working out restores a physical balance in the body.
Obesity is in contrast caused by overeating. "Humans are mad for calories".
So working out does not really help to lose fat, but it gives the body more balance, make human more resilient and prevent the diseases.
Use a radio buttons in place in the login form to choose how to sign-in.
Public sector will develop OSS software and should use them
Another powerful way to handle font sizes