Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

July 15, 2024

HashAnalyzer in rustgenhash::rgh::analyze - Rust

A cli tool that compares an input string to all possible formats: hash, ID, URL, UUID, country format, time, etc...

Code name: wits (What is this string)

Introducing Yet Another Rust Resource (or YARR!) | nicole@web
Design trompeur : les résultats de l’audit du Global Privacy Enforcement Network | CNIL
Introduction - Yet Another Rust Resource (YARR!)

This is a crash course in the Rust programming language. It's written with a specific audience in mind: software engineers who know how to program in a high-level language but aren't familiar with lower-level programming and want to learn to write Rust quickly.

EDPB / EDPB Website Auditing Tool · GitLab
Generationenkonflikte im Job: Wie die Gen Z den Mut hat, die Arbeitswelt zu verändern - DER SPIEGEL