Daily Shaarli
June 9, 2024
En 2015, une étude commandée par la fondation Mozilla (Firefox) concluait que la pub représentait alors en moyenne 39% du poids d'une page web et 44 % du temps de chargement.
Le document en question: https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SPW2015/W2SP/papers/W2SP_2015_submission_32.pdf
We're a community of like-minded website hobbyists and professionals helping to make the personal web fruitful and bountiful again, full of self-expression and removing the capitalistic drive out of it.
An efficient alternative to gitlab and github
An independant ad network for the indiweb
Peelopaalu is an unsorted link collection that consists of random websites that I find interesting in some way. There are sites here from the 90's, and there are sites here that were made last week.
An old-style website
Links that are essential to the purpose of the text will be of the clearly visible type, while the more minimal hyperlink style is meant to provide resources for further reading, usually to external web pages.
Links are essential
Welcome to Onio's web café - a homebrewed site inspired by the indie web movement! Leave a message and enjoy the ambiance :)