Daily Shaarli
May 10, 2024
Ils disent aussi leur exaspération et leur peur face à l’incapacité des gouvernements à agir malgré les preuves scientifiques évidentes fournies.
« Nous pourrions encore financer une entrée dans la transition. 1 000 milliards de dollars par an sont nécessaires. Cela représente les économies des 56 millions de millionnaires dans le monde. Ou bien la moitié des dépenses militaires. Ce n’est pas inaccessible, juge-t-il. Mais ça le deviendra dès lors que les catastrophes vont se succéder. Les États n’auront plus de capital, il faudra parer à toutes les crises. C’est vraiment absurde de ne pas agir maintenant. Ou de ne pas l’avoir fait dès le début des années 2000 où ça aurait été beaucoup plus facile. »
It can be useful someday
First, it was for attention, a desire for something big and a fear of missing out. Now it's the cleansing effect, uncover the covered, gain insight.
The hourly compensation graphic shows that: the hourly compensation does not go up (9.2%), in contrary to the productivity (74.4%) since 1973.
We need a different approach. We need to hold corporations accountable, fight for fair wages, and advocate for policies that address the root causes of economic inequality.
The path to financial freedom shouldn't be paved with endless side hustles. It should be built on a foundation of fair compensation, work-life balance, and a social safety net that allows everyone to pursue their passions without sacrificing their well-being
Reason to write:
- share information
- learn about something
- side-effects such as help to establish your credibility
How to write for developers?
Consider the clarity, personality and the uniformity of content. Each medium has it scale on these three.
The physical act of writing? Start with notes and expand. Just start writing. A similar approach is reported by Finding comfort in the chaos: How Cory Doctorow learned to write from literally anywhere.
The point is to have something, then iterate.
There are simply too much information and the day is too short.
Not bad as a measure. I don't know how effective it can be.
Libyear can be a unit: X libyears. libmonth is maybe to strict.