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Different definition of a UI component, from the minimalistic css one to the SSR full page.
An argument against React, because all its features are already built-in.
Integrate a rust game compiled in wasm into sveltkit
One advantage in svelte is that we can integrate JS libraries quickly
A case study for #Storyblok
One project to unify them all
Comparing common concepts of web frameworks daily usage.
For each concept, an example in the framework is provided.
Keyboard-friendly, accessible multi-select Svelte component.
I will give it a try instead of using Storybook for the new projects. Especially with Vue and Vite.
This causes some people to claim that Svelte doesn’t scale, but that’s premature. The real question that matters is: where is that point? Clearly, nobody’s worried about whether React scales, so when does Svelte lose its advantage over React? Turns out: the scale at which Svelte's advantages disappear is actually unrealistically high for just about any application.
But to summarize both: Svelte’s advantage disappears somewhere around 150 kB of components loaded onto the page.
Alternately: are you choosing a technology for a relatively new startup or project? Svelte will likely enable you to move more quickly and build something that’s more performant, but hiring or collaborating may be a challenge, given the relatively small pool of Svelte devs
Sure, React has a rich ecosystem. But Svelte has a Rich ecosystem.
Some definitions: declarative programming, data binding, reactivity
A way to render conditionally the attributes of a tag.
Creating an object and setting the attributes as prop of the object if they should be rendered. Then use the spread operator on it:
export let value = "";
export let id = "";
export let placeholder = "";
export let type = "text";
let conditionalAttributes = {};
if (id) conditionalAttributes.id = id;
if (placeholder) conditionalAttributes.placeholder = placeholder;
if (type) conditionalAttributes.type = type;
<input {...conditionalAttributes} bind:value={value} />