8456 shaares
201 private links
201 private links
4 results
It's sad on one side that some optimizations are not built-in...
- 📌 Multiple schema files
- Global omit
- 📌 Database level joins
- Is it a garbage?
- 📌 Performance checklist: https://www.prisma.io/blog/performance-benchmarks-comparing-query-latency-across-typescript-orms-and-databases
- Prisma Studio
- Prisma Pulse
- 📌 Prisma client extension
I missed that! For a possible undefined authorId in a create payload:
data: {
title: "New Post with undefined authorId",
author: authorId && { connect: { id: authorId } }
Comparison with other ORM
A description of a modern website architecture. It uses a bunch of modern technologies, and the author explains why they are useful in its case.