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212 private links
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How Prisma will rewrite their Rust engine into typescript. It will make the code simpler than the current heavy solution.
It's sad on one side that some optimizations are not built-in...
- 📌 Multiple schema files
- Global omit
- 📌 Database level joins
- Is it a garbage?
- 📌 Performance checklist: https://www.prisma.io/blog/performance-benchmarks-comparing-query-latency-across-typescript-orms-and-databases
- Prisma Studio
- Prisma Pulse
- 📌 Prisma client extension
I missed that! For a possible undefined authorId in a create payload:
data: {
title: "New Post with undefined authorId",
author: authorId && { connect: { id: authorId } }
Comparison with other ORM
A description of a modern website architecture. It uses a bunch of modern technologies, and the author explains why they are useful in its case.