201 private links
mozilla's main problem right now appears to be they just do not recognise that they have pissed users' trust up a wall and now we are suspicious of everything they do.
you cannot, in a position like that, just do things which look dodgy as fuck and expect users to suck it up quietly, whether or not they are as they look.
Some insights on the rewrite
xpcom, xml crates, protocols and more.
La stratégie de diversification des sources de revenus de Mozilla a bien fonctionné, et c'est tant mieux !
25% de revenus en plus, mais est-ce que cela provient des partenariats avec les moteurs de recherches? 125% sur des produits qui n'existaient pas vraiment auparavant veut dire peu de choses, il faut ici laisser encore 2-3 ans pour avoir une idée du potentiels. J'espère que cela va continuer à être positif, car cela me laisse dubitatif.
Focus on privacy, protection against malicious code; encryption (of everything); extending the web; make it fast; easy to publish; customization per user; first-class experience for non-English-speakers; improve accessibility
I didn't know Samsung and Let's Encrypt are supporting the servo project.
The project has its own website : https://servo.org
And how good it is, even with some flaws.
Source code is available on Mozilla's Github
The real problem is that Mozilla didn't use that money to achieve financial independence and instead just spent it each year, doing the organisational equivalent of living hand-to-mouth.
And the rest is legit too :
- dependancy to Google searches
- as private NGO, heads of Mozilla are paid in millions and its administration cost 30%, way to much compared to other NGO.
- why prividing a VPN as it is not the best way to provide privacy, the browser still be identified by a fingerprint; though some informations are blocked
- ineffective side projects, which divide resources; at least there are trials
About the problems of Mozilla
Firefox Relay est un outil semblable à DropMail, Yopmail, etc... ; ce sont des boîtes mails jetables.
La particularité de Firefox Relay est de pouvoir transmettre les messages à la boite mail principale.
Not related to Mozilla, but a Q&A from an employee.
However, Google is an organization that excels at taking individual, seemingly-benevolent units of work and then combining them into things that are anti-competitive or just plain evil.
L'extension en bêta permet de piloter le navigateur à la voix !
Sur l'activation de DoH par défaut redirigeant tout le traffic vers Cloudflare (wtf).
Firefox bloquera maintenant par défaut tous les cookies tiers. La liste des cookies bloqués provient de la liste fournie par Disconnect
Une superbe nouvelle ! Et une raison supplémentaire d'utiliser Firefox
Un générator de configuration pour SSL. Mais ... c'est... génial !