168 private links
Quoting directly from the GPL: The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it.
If a project is so difficult to build, package or redistribute that the only practical way is to use docker then this is hardly #FOSS
I’ve come to realize that the relicensing trend towards non-compete licenses has exposed single-vendor Open Source software for what it truly is: proprietary software in hiding
One vendor can turns the (own) project into a proprietary one.
- Do What The Fuck You Want to Public License - https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL
- Beerware license - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beerware#License
- No problem Bugroff License - http://tunes.org/legalese/bugroff.html
- Don’t Ask Me About It License
- Good Luck With That Public License - https://github.com/me-shaon/GLWTPL
- The Woody Guthrie Public License
- Demerden Sie Sich License - https://dssl.flyounet.net/licenses/
- The Death and Repudiation License
- Chicken dance license - https://github.com/supertunaman/cdl/blob/master/COPYING
- The Fight Club Licence - https://github.com/benlk/misc-licenses/blob/master/fight-club-license.md
- The Offendo General Pain In The Ass License
- The Schrödinger license https://github.com/benlk/misc-licenses/blob/master/schrodinger-license.md
- The Bugs License r2 - https://github.com/benlk/misc-licenses/blob/master/bugs-license.md
- The Anyone But Stallman License - https://github.com/benlk/misc-licenses/blob/master/stallman-license.md
- The Mephistopheles License - https://github.com/benlk/misc-licenses/blob/master/mephistopheles-license.md
- Why The Fuck Would You Even Do That Holy Shit Public License - https://git.sr.ht/~boringcactus/gotbruh/tree/main/item/LICENSE.md (refactoring in Python 2 is forbidden)
More realistic:
- Don't be a dick License - https://dbad-license.org/
- Anti-Capitalist Software License [non «libre»]- https://anticapitalist.software/
- The please public licence - https://web.archive.org/web/20200814151216if_/https://awoo.space/@typhlosion/1433790
A sort of MIT-based licence, in which everything not prohibited is permitted.
There is also the Normally closed licence, in which everything not permitted is prohibited
Easy to understand with Wikipedia ^^
Cette licence est courte. Autant prendre le temps de la lire.
Elle est de plus efficacement expliquée dans ce billet de blog. On se rend compte que du logiciel sous licence MIT rentre en opposition à d'autres lois dans le cadre de vente (cf: three default rules for “implied warranties")
We’ve seen that despite some crusty verbiage and lawyerly affectation, one hundred and seventy one little words can get a hell of a lot of legal work done, clearing a path for open-source software through a dense underbrush of intellectual property and contract.
La licence la plus permissive du monde :D
Une liste non-exhaustive des différentes licences orientées vers le libre.