167 private links
The W3C Technical Architecture group eventually decided to resolve the architectural problem that if an HTTP response code of 200 (a successful retrieval) was given, that indicated that the URI indeed was for an information resource, but with no such response, or with a different code, no such assumption could be made.
This repository contains the code for our paper: "Who's Breaking the Rules? Studying Conformance to the HTTP Specifications and its Security Impact" ACM ASIACCS 2024. It contains a test suite for HTTP conformance tests of responses and test runners to run it on both local web servers and on real websites.
A testing service against an HTTP/1.1 implementation
A great resource to get into them
Hurl is a command line tool that runs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format.
It can asserts results.
It supplants the previous 8601 for http api errors.
In the hypertext architecture, when making a reference, such as a hypertext link, we don't just refer to an information resource. Well, we can, but we can also refer to a particular part of or view of a resource. The string which, within the document, defines the other end of the link has two parts. It has the identifier of the document as a whole, and then optionally it has a hash sign "#" and a string representing the view of the object required.
Avoid a round trip for the slow start TCP algorithm. Depending of the internet connexion it can save 100s of ms.
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draft-martin-http-carbon-emissions-scope-2-00 - HTTP Response Header Field: Carbon-Emissions-Scope-2
A draft that proposes to emit the CO2 emission of a request
It follows best practices :)
One status code, one http code.
Similar to Htto Status Cats... for dogs.
Peut être utile un jour
Voir eTag, Cache-Control, Expires, max-age, Last-Modified pour gérer le cache d'une requête HTTP.
Le billet de blog détaille comment sont gérés les ressources du cache, avec le serveur.