201 private links
Lungs, heart, pancreas and ... brain
Cartoon depicting several characters in four panels: a potato, a bottle of vodka, a cartoonized person, and the same person wearing a pirate outfit and riding a duck. The four panels display the phrase "if a potato can turn into vodka, you can become anything you want". Watermark: Linguist Gone Foreign.
rain all day.Rain to make that perfect gray.
Rain to keep people away.
Rain so I can puddle-play
Randomize design tokens value :)
protip: when referring to your favourite programming language’s features, call them spells instead to sound more mysterious and cool.
👎 “memory safety feature”
👍 “memory safety spell”
The name LOL.
volkswagen detects when your tests are executed in a CI-environment and makes them pass.
rust programming competition called "Getting Lucky" where you try to write the most horribly unsound code with as much undefined behavior as possible that nonetheless compiles to an executable that always runs successfully.
A compliment generator.
The list is hosted as JSON: https://anderegg.ca/compliments/comp.json
Buy coffee through SSH. The checkout is definitely too soon though.
Ok ok. How? AI can predict the next IP packet, so it's faster than the speed of light.
The recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) such as large language models enable the design of the Faster than LIght speed Protocol (FLIP) for Internet. FLIP provides a way to avoid congestion, enhance security, and deliver faster packets on the Internet by using AI to predict future packets at the receiving peer before they arrive.
Nous savons maintenant d'où vient ce son
A funny humans.txt
"Don't watch the sun rise. Get up earlier and let the sun watch you rise".
- Giga Chad
coffee_break!(5 minutes);
Developer-friendly, Eco-friendly because the PC does not burn and language server-friendly