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An open-source projet to draw diagrams.
(via https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/shaare/ekEOgw)
Useful to create diagrams of flows that merges or split themselves
I find these explanations great to draw some charts for my masterthesis :)
Even if it is not complete
I have used some of it before, and it is convenient.
They support User Journey maps (or User experience map) now 👍
Wow we can make a lot of things with Vega. It is customizable through the JSON document passed to it.
A unified API for a lot of diagram from textual API tools.
Lol, someone thought of it.
Yet another tool to create different diagram based on a syntax
Available type of diagrams:
Data Flow Chart, Sequence Diagram, Flowchart Diagram, Graph, Onion Layer, Tree Layout, Horizontal Tree Layout, System Layers, Timeline ❤️, Layer Stack, Mind Map, State Machine, Entity Relationship, Class Diagram
A python tool that generate beautiful diagrams from code
Not beautiful, but basic.
Un mémo des différentes relations possibles