199 private links
Programming by voice instead of keyboard
Nest similar files that are in the same directory.
VS Code, released by Microsoft, is not open-source software. Microsoft is following the open-core model for the VS Code editor, just like how Google is following an open-core model for its Chrome browser.
Not only the tracking thing, but also
I was increasingly getting upset about their extension marketplace, where there is an increased number of extensions starting to sell pro versions of the extensions we used for free.
But the extension ecosystem for VS COdium has matured, and almost all the open-source extensions for VS Code are now available for VS Codium under the open-vsx extension marketplace.
But for macOS only :/
The theme for code parties 😎🎉🎆
TL;DR; it doesn't change very often and keeps a compatible API and UI through versions. It makes ST a reliable IDE.
About the history of Text editors and IDE, then the rise of VSCode. Why VSCode is the main IDE and will be for a long time.
The most important thing I look for when choosing which tools to use is longevity. Learning software is an investment, and if you have to switch to another application later, you lose some of that investment.
Codium is the FLOSS of VScode. It is exactly the same software; without Microsoft trackers, ...
Une bonne liste des IDE disponibles actuellement