201 private links
Changer une option dans le BIOS de windows à Linux casse la machine 🤨
How to map integer types to rust integer types and more.
How to tackle C macros and inline functions in Rust?
Guo put together a ""hack"". His idea was to use Clang to compile helpers.c into LLVM bytecode. Then, for each Rust crate, ask the compiler to emit bytecode as well. Once everything is in the form of LLVM bytecode, it can be fed back into Clang with LTO turned on to produce a combined object file with the helpers inlined.
and more challenging topics.
le géoblocage d'un serveur public est totalement contraire à l'esprit d'internet et c'est préjudiciable aux internautes.
Here’s the pitch: a motivated group of talented Rust OS developers could build a Linux-compatible kernel, from scratch, very quickly, with no need to engage in LKML politics. You would be astonished by how quickly you can make meaningful gains in this kind of environment; I think if the amount of effort being put into Rust-for-Linux were applied to a new Linux-compatible OS we could have something production ready for some use-cases within a few years.
Rust checks are integrated in the kernel CI pipelines.
An optimisation that I don't really understand.
Discussion about adding Rust to the filesystem. It would be bindings first.
It would be my goto for a window tile manager on Linux
Fun :D
This make sense: each program in its own directory and the filesystem is the database
It was widely agreed that nobody should feel that way, since no one can be expected to catch everything. How to communicate that to the community as a whole is unclear, though.
How it is optimized to be the fastest possible.
Asahi Linux aims to bring you a polished Linux® experience on Apple Silicon Macs.