200 private links
An optimisation that I don't really understand.
Explaining pointers in one image
A C Compiler in 512 bytes
J'ai passé plusieurs décennies à écrire du C et du C++, voire même un peu d'ASM. Et franchement, je suis admiratif des quelques codeurs "safe".
C'est comme jongler avec des tronçonneuses: ce n'est pas parce-que certain y arrivent qu'il faut en faire une recommandation.
4kB en Assembleur, ou quelques octets pour les builtins de l'OS
Some examples of why C is faster than Java, because C and algorithms
Only one same job at a time ?
My solution to deal with this is to bind an IPv6 localhost ::1 socket to a given port. Only one process can do this, and thus it’s a very effective mutex. No lock files to cause havoc, no dealing with the dark and buggy corners of advisory file locking.
For shell scripts, simply replace the #!/bin/sh with #!/somewhere/bin/lock 2048 where 2048 is the port number you will use to enforce the lock (greater than 1024 if you do not want to deal with the hassles of privileged ports).
- It is possible to list a directory with 8 million files in it.
- strace is your friend
- Don't be afraid to compile code and modify it (hell, simple C compiles so fast it could be interpreted)
- There is no good reason to have 8 million files in a directory :-), but this was a good learning experience (and possibly a good interview question).
The last point is the most important :D
This paper presents a comparative study between C and Rust in terms of performance and programming effort
Small but efficient post !
Rust is between C and C++, close to the c++.
Maybe programs contributed to the project as part of a concerted language advocacy and marketing strategy, benefit from more programmer hours spent on program optimization.
We don't know yet.
programm allow us to figure out what a program does under the hood.
Part 2 (x86 asm, linux kernel)
Part 3 (ftrace, disk layouts, ext4)
Standard Cocorico x)
Pour comprendre la taille des structures en langage C.
La version en français
Il à l'air complet.
Sous le coude