207 private links
Every new user being shocked that DMs aren’t actually private is kinda scary because it means that everybody just assumes DMs on other platforms are private
because they aren’t. The only difference between fedi and other social media is that fedi admins don’t have a vested interest in making you think DMs are private
Je ne sais plus qui disait : "une interface c'est comme une blague, si tu as besoin de l'expliquer c'est qu'elle est mauvaise"
The dangerous version of masculinity sold by the patriarchy is a social construct that can, in fact, be opted out of. Men and masculine people can construct a masculinity that is not toxic, that does not promote violence, that is centered around healthy relationships and communication and helping others.
This awesome millenium falcon is great to see.
À propos du sondage sur le deadnaming des personnes trans sur Wikipédia
Star wars combat of Luke and Darth Vador of file paths.
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Watch The Internet's Own Boy https://archive.org/details/TheInternetsOwnBoyTheStoryOfAaronSwartz
Aaron Swartz a le projet de diffuser des millions d’articles scientifiques, financés par l’argent public et sur lesquels les auteurs ne touchent rien. Poursuivi avant d’avoir rien publié, il risque 35 ans de prison. Devant cette perspective, il se suicide le 11 janvier 2013. Il y a 11 ans.
En 2024, OpenAI entraîne ses algorithmes sur tout document, en ligne ou non, sans accord des auteurs. Personne ne sera vraisemblablement poursuivi.
La propriété intellectuelle n’est qu’un outil d’oppression.
The New York Times with an article "Everyone wants your email address. Think twice before giving it. To read this article an email is needed.
A paper on Nature behind a paywall named "the growing inaccessibility of science".
Avez vous déjà pris l'avion dans votre vie ?
6% Jamais
26% moin de 5 fois
23% moins de 10 fois
45% plus de 10 fois
777 réponses
The big issue here is, Desktop browsers are irrelevant. Same for people that may read this is on Mastodon.
The vast majority of browser activity is coming from young people (12-25), which use their mobile device for browsing. And, believe it or not, these folks click way more content in a minute than I do.
Still, it would be nice to have 100% FF users on my blog, at least if they are using Linux. But even there it is 50/50.
More and more of the traffic comes from mobiles and the young are the majority of this browsing activity. It is different for companies though!
These bugs highlight the risk of unknown unknowns, i.e. stability issues in our stability monitoring itself that we are blind to
Sticker sure la voiture: "Bought it before we knew how awful he is."
To remember it, Meta approches one of the most important admin system to talk privately with him.
Text on the image: "If a Monkey hoardet more bananas than it could eat, while most of the other monkeys starved, scientist would study that monkey to figure out, what was wrong with it. When humans do it, we put them on the cover of forbes."
- Illegal cab company
- Illegal hotel chain
- Fake money for criminals
- Plagiarism machine
They found were Lo-Fi Girl is 😁
Si vous n’avez rien à cacher et que vous ne faites rien de répréhensible, vous devriez chiffrer vos communications.
En ne le faisant pas, vous soutenez la thèse que seuls ceux qui ont qqch à se reprocher utilisent ce genre d’outils. Vous concourrez à la criminalisation de leur utilisation. Vous légitimez le soupçon généralisé sur les utilisateurs.
Utilisateur que vous deviendrez peut-être un jour.