203 private links
Develop an API that is fast :)
Everything is built in: Swagger or OpenAPI, including the tests.
Here a quickstart
(for websites)
PHP ~ 80 %, followed by ASP.NET, Ruby and Java.
Javascript is represents only 1.5% of the backends for websites.
A code formatter for python.
NExfil is an OSINT tool written in python for finding profiles by username. The provided usernames are checked on over 350 websites within few seconds. The goal behind this tool was to get results quickly while maintaining low amounts of false positives.
It is possible.
Good and simple examples
Il y a le projet jsonresume
Karolak a de son côté crée son propre générateur en python, puisqu'il n'est pas satisfait de jsonresume: https://sr.ht/~nka/resume-pycli/
Packaging an python application with the state-of-the-art library of 2021
Yet another guide on python decorators.
Well written 👍
Queries can be run on multiple databases 💚 (see https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html for more)
The command ATTACH 'other.db' AS other;
In python, there is the db.attach
for it !
A blog with pertinent posts related to dev topics
Naming a Slice Using slice Function, Prompting User for a Password at Runtime, Find Close Matches of a Word/String, Working with IP Addresses, Debugging Program Crashes in Shell, Defining Multiple Constructors in a Class, Caching Function Calls Using Decorator, Find the Most Frequently Occurring Items in a Iterable
Sanitizing String Input, Taking Slice of an Iterator, Skipping Begining of Iterable, Functions with only Keyword Arguments (kwargs), Creating Object That Supports with Statements, Saving Memory with slots, Limiting CPU and Memory Usage, Controlling What Can Be Imported and What Not, Comparison Operators the Easy Way
TL;DR It may works; but don't use literal in python !
Utiliser les annotations, accessible via self.__annotations__
Par exemple pour typer ou vérifier les variables qui arrivent d'une DB sans passer par SQLAlchemy; les exporter en JSON en vérifiant que le format est bien compatible;
Compile python code to LLVM code, can be run on GPU ! ⭐️