207 private links
A deep-dive
The intention of this page is to collect and highlight malware written in the Rust programming language, so that malware reverse engineers have a collection of Rust samples to practice reversing on.
Objects turn the structured data into a stream of integers; hashers turn the stream into a numeric hash.
One problem? The hash-functions use blocks instead of streaming these days. On the contrary, the Hasher API needs to stream unsigned integers. So in order to use this API a byte must work with the hasher. It collides with the current block where 128 bits can be hashed at the same time...
The bottom line is: hashing a product type can only be efficient if it’s linearized.
It is interesting to note optimizations and arguments in favor of Rust
It seems to be a lighweight project. It's perfect for small projects!
There are now a whole new class of potential issues, design considerations, and challenges that Rust introduces to web developers which I think is often under-estimated.
Fixing one ownership issue often just shifts the problem to another place, and without a strong understanding of this mental model, it can be very difficult to identify which path from any given node is actually the "right" one, which gets closer to the real solution.
The documentation is awesome, but some crates are under-documented.
Editing Rust is not so much supported in VSCode than Typescript.
The feedback comes from a typescript developer.
Wikifunctions will use wasm and rust
Improve it to be project based:
- Evolution of the lines of code over time
- how much of language parts in the code base over time
A response in four steps to get started.