202 private links
It can be useful in some cases: to declare variables in the <template>
Another component library for vue :)
The components look clean. Demo: https://www.naiveui.com/
So since we can't share the components across different branches in the component tree, we could actually hoist them to the root so they become independent from the routes.
Startport allows to have transitions between vue pages.
It combines the best parts of React and Angular.
- Outstanding documentation
- Less optimization efforts
- Templates
- Scaling Up
- Scaling Down
- Community less than React
- Less opinionated → this can be solved with a Vue family project IMHO
What is missing:
- Better Mobile App Support → indeed I never heard of that
- Form validation → there is no standard validation pattern but there are libraries for it
Collect all vue websites and make cards with them.
The goal is to gather the preferred way of doing something in vue. For example, routing with vue-router, state management with pinia, SSR with Nuxt, etc...
- Name
- Logo
- A description (the one in header)
It has a searchbar too.
More tools can be added from:
- Vuejs organization repostories: https://github.com/orgs/vuejs/repositories
- https://next.awesome-vue.js.org/resources/official-resources.html
It can be built with Vitepress to keep it in the Vue ecosystem.
Project name:
- classic: Vue Family
- keep the french tradition: panorama (a similar word for overview)
A ready to go starter project with ... everything. A lite version exist for a smaller scope.
A web client for Mastodon.
The (not yet) open-sourced web app: https://github.com/elk-zone/elk
And the desktop one built with tauri: https://github.com/elk-zone/elk-native
This is the best guide I have found so far.
@mouseover="hover = true"
@mouseleave="hover = false"
And now we now when the mouse is hovering.
A warning though: it is not compatible with touch screens !
embed Vue as Native App with the same components and writing style.
It seems not mature enough for production ready apps.
2022 is relevant for the stable release of Vue 3. The ecosystem catch up: Nuxt 3, Vuetify 3, Quasar, NaiveUI, Ionic Vue, PrimeVue, InkLine, ElementPlus, ...
A focus has been given to Volar (1.0) and Vite. Vue 2 remains compatible with the version 2.7 "Naruto".
2023 expectations:
- smaller and more frequent releases
- vapor mode
- conferences
UnoCSS powered component library.
It looks promising with its 18 components!
A good starting point for Vue experienced programmers with Tailwind
TL;DR $attrs defines every attribute that is not listed in the props.
Use cases:
- apply $attrs on a specific node
- tell Vue to apply $attrs on a node of a multiple root-node components
- using prop validations (in dev only for example)
A serie of posts about Nuxt
- Continuous performance checks in Nuxt.js with Lighthouse CI and Github Actions
- Performance checklist for Vue and Nuxt (and recommended modules for Nuxt)
- Introduction to Nuxt modules
- Leveraging cache in Nuxt.js (and there is a good example of server middleware per page 👍
- Introduction to Nuxt 3 modules
- How to add Algolia Search to Nuxt 3
- Using Modules and Pinia to structure Nuxt 3 app
- Building a Nuxt Modules clone with Nuxt 3, TailwindCSS, Storyblok, and Vercel
- Building Blog with Nuxt 2 and Contentrain Headless CMS
- Deploying Nuxt 3 app to Vercel 🚀
- Adding Newsletter to Nuxt 3 apps
- How to use Cloudinary Images with Nuxt 3
- Improving Security of Nuxt 3 (self-developed modules)
- Improving Performance of Nuxt apps with Partytown
- Improving Performance of Nuxt with Fontaine [fonts] 🚀