203 private links
Browser support is increasing
A nice piece of technology that is developed here
Adding a proof-of-work algorithm can work with this experience.
I guess that the main lesson was that these particular spammers, are really low-effort creatures. You raise the bar a little, and they stop being effective.
How to better use JWTs
A response in four steps to get started.
A minimal table editor :)
Display train/bus stops on a Kindle 😄
The author goes really in-depth 👍
content “must be quoted from another source”Heydon rightly makes the distinction between block quotes, which (supposedly) quote another source, and pull-quotes, which highlight excerpts from the article you’re reading.
- No
Heydon suggests using a
to invoke this grouping, which seems the most sensible option.The
cite attribute is generally useless since it’s invisible and most screen readers also ignore it
For inline (or “text-level”) quotations, there is
instead.HTML is hard
But the developers have no consequences on that.
Similar to https://shaarli.lyokolux.space/shaare/xwiTHQ
Bit operators are the fastest, then static array, then dynamic arrays.
Objects are heavy in comparison.
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;
PRAGMA busy_timeout = 5000;
PRAGMA cache_size = -20000;
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;
PRAGMA mmap_size = 2147483648;
PRAGMA page_size = 8192;
TL;DR use fluid typography and now uses fluid sizes :)
Hashsets < Dynamic Array < Statis Array < Bit Mask
An experiment to replace Nginx with Axum.
HTML isn’t only for people working in the tech field. It’s for anybody, the way documents are for anybody. HTML is just another type of document. A very special one—the one the web is built on.
Resources and more about HTML for People: https://htmlforpeople.com/achievement-unlocked-hypertexter/#resources-from-this-book
Red/Blue functions allegory of async and sync functions.
The author that if one function is red, all functions using it should be red too.
This is where the “red functions can only be called by red functions” rule comes from. You have to closurify the entire callstack all the way back to main() or the event handler.
One solution could be more generators.
Another is the use of green threads.
[...] Go has eliminated the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous code.