203 private links
An excellent project for useful conversions!
Use: <video autoplay loop muted playsinline src="cats.mp4"></video>
as Twitter does
About #mp4, #webm, #x264, #x265, #VP9, #VP8, #AV1 containers and codecs
Evilmartian uses the new codec and here is the comparison: "In AV1 it is just 68 KB, similar to the image file. HEVC is 195 KB, and H264 is 512 КB."
Use an image for dark mode only 😯
<source srcset="dark-animation.avifs" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
<img src="light-animation.avif" alt="">
A minimal and simple JSON schema. The syntax is actually easy 👍
Why are lockfiles critical for supply chain ?
You are protected from a silent update of the package at the same version.
The articles provide a table with the different related commands 👍
The "utf8" encoding only supports three bytes per character. The real UTF-8 encoding - which everybody uses, including you - needs up to four bytes per character.
So use utf8mb4
A library that seems good to parse CSV
Using the first 48 bist to encode the date up to the microsecond into the UUID. We can encode a date until 10899. We should be fine.
There is then 80 bits left for the random (collision happens in these 80 bits if they got generated at the same microsecond !)
We can then sort, order the UUIDs by date :)
This kind of “insert block” user interface concept is showing up in almost every blogging tool, web editor, note-taking app, and content management system. People like it and it makes sense.
Embed blocks accross the web with the future block protocol :D
If APIs can share data between programs and websites, then I understand the block protocol as a way to share UI components and logic between websites.
TL;DR you have to read the entire blob binary and create the appropriate data structure before filtering whereas you can skip parts with JSON, and thus make it faster.
JSON, however, allows stream parsing. Consider for example, the Jackson library’s [nextToken()](https://fasterxml.github.io/jackson-core/javadoc/2.8/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonParser.html#nextToken()) or Go’s json.Tokenizer.
Sadly the code produced for Amazon Web Services is not open-source yet.
MDX allows to write markdown with JSX. Nice :) I think I will use it for a new version of my blog written in svelte.
and a big post about markdown: the bad of it for developers and content editors. The feature of markdown are the one's needed in 2000, but not for the modern web. There is no designated successor to markdown., but some needed features are mentioned in the post.
A smaller format than SVG. It is a side project for now, but it looks promising.
I see IconVG in the comments too.
SDLang is a simple and concise way to textually represent data. It has an XML-like structure – tags, values and attributes – which makes it a versatile choice for data serialization, configuration files, or declarative languages. Its syntax was inspired by the C family of languages (C/C++, C#, D, Java, …).
Store the timestamp instead of a boolean to have an information that can be useful. If the value is false, then NULL is set.
Du HollandaisVolant (https://lehollandaisvolant.net/?mode=links&id=20210424171603)
Par contre, je ne sais pas si c’est juste moi, mais j’ai du mal avec le timestamp. Je préfère le format YMDHIS (YYYYMMDDHHIISS).
Ce format prend 14 caractères (soit 14*8= 104 bits) contre un timestamp qui en prend sûrement moins.
Du point de vue de l'affichage, on peut ensuite très bien le formatter comme on le veux.
Pourquoi écrire un parseur de CSV est une mauvaise idée? Sebsauvage list ici des exceptions.
C'est une vrai galère puisque le format est finalement peu standardisé.
Dans le monde des données, CSV est le cafard des formats de données. Il est simple, résistant et apparemment impossible à éliminer.
Quelle alternatives simple au CSV, tout en restant compact? Le JSON et le TOML sont par exemple plus verbeux. Une autre solution est rendre le CSV plus strict.
Oh oui ! Ce format est bien pratique, je l'utilises par exemple pour le nommage de mes fichiers, notes de cours, etc... Tout en fait !
A cheatsheet with examples of usage.
I am using markdown since years; it seems that AsciiDoc is a better standardized test-formatting with more functionnalities 😍
CSV is not so easy to use actually
Et encore !
Il parait que le codec AV1 fait mieux que le H265 (en plus de ne pas être bardé de brevets).
Les progrès de la compression ne cesseront jamais de m'étonner. Je n'espère même pas comprendre comment ces nouveaux codecs fonctionnent. ― sebsauvage
Le format JPEG utilise donc 3 compressions :
- Chrominance Subsampling
- Discrete Cosine Transform & Quantization
- Run-Length, Delta & Huffman Encoding
C'est tellement bien pensé :)
Je le relirais plus tard afin de bien tout comprendre.
Pour la culture :
The smallest I could think of was four bytes: three to specify the color and one to specify how many pixels have this color. The idea of expressing all repeated values concisely this way is called run-length encoding.
Delta-encoding is the technique of storing each byte as a relative value compared to something before it instead of storing its absolute value.