208 private links
A SSG similar to Pelican in python or Hugo in Go.
Non empty data structures :D
It can be useful to create a distinction between iterators and traversables.
I created a Cargo subcommand called cargo-wizard that simplifies the configuration of Cargo projects for maximum runtime performance, fastest compilation time or minimal binary size.
A kind is a type constructor that takes a type, and produces a new type.
The quthor recreates a map function
The rustypaste project is hosted on github: https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste
A framework for embedded systems
A great feedback
Now I get it.
Pingora is a Rust framework to build fast, reliable and programmable networked systems. Pingora is battle tested as it has been serving more than 40 million Internet requests per second for more than a few years.
Les chercheurs chinois ont mesuré la concentration en minuscules particules de plastique de plusieurs échantillons d’eau. La moyenne était de 1 milligramme par litre d’eau. Cette concentration, remesurée après que l’eau a bouilli pendant cinq minutes puis refroidi, avait diminuée de 80 %.
The white house post https://www.whitehouse.gov/oncd/briefing-room/2024/02/26/press-release-technical-report/
The report Back to the building blocks:
a path toward secure and mesureable software
The official support of universities and companies or industries: Statements of Support for Software Measurability and Memory Safety
This cookbook is intended for new Rust programmers, so that they may quickly get an overview of the capabilities of the Rust crate ecosystem. It is also intended for experienced Rust programmers, who should find in the recipes an easy reminder of how to accomplish common tasks.