210 private links
10 exemples de balises HTML sous-utilisées !
Comment créer un simple Web Component ?
HTML is too often forgotten in this case
About CSS
You are the visual translation of information. What good is all the information in the world if we can’t easily understand it? You hold the keys to hierarchy and contrast and layout, the keys to visual communication.
Underestimated tag !
It is easy to build on top of it to have a nice dropdown element, etc...
Oh shit ! Using HTML instead of a lot of Javascript. Need to be tested.
with Wkhtmltopdf : https://wkhtmltopdf.org/
Keep it easy, easy peasy
In a summary:
Don't use placeholder text.
Don't use disabled form fields and buttons, whenever possible.
Don't make multi-column forms.
Do make sure labels and instructions are always visible.
Do put your labels and instructions above text fields.
Do make sure your labels, inputs, and any help text are associated properly.
Do make sure all text meets WCAG colour contrast requirements.
Sur la bonne utilisation des formulaires
Attention, un prochain outil va apparaître rien que pour cela dans 3, 2, 1
A transparent page that shows how it is itself built 😄
A list of images for the page 404
OMG ! 😍
It looks legit to me. I have to give it a try.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki"/>