203 private links
Expandable inline text.
0xFF demonstrated some implementation in HTML and css: https://0xff.nu/expando#
Open links in the specified browser
A 0-config SSG
Marmite is very simple. If this simplicity does not suit your needs, there are other awesome static site generators. Here are some that I recommend:
More with Why to use marmite
The hypertext can provide a high amount of source per paragraph. These references are also accessible.
Adactio or Alex Chan in using static websites for tiny archives both are
going low-scale, low-tech. There’s no web server, no build system, no dependencies, and no JavaScript frameworks.
Because this system has no moving parts, and it’s just files on a disk, I hope it will last a long time.
How should a website change with the seasons? Could a website be different as time passes? Could a website adapt to night time so that readers have an easier experience perusing information?
- Different category leads to different themes
- Emojis change with the seasons
- How can I make my website evoke feelings associated with a season?
The WWW Foundation
En 2019, cela dit, pour les 30 ans de sa création, Tim Berners-Lee regrettait trois des plus grosses problématiques qui avaient émergé en ligne : opérations malveillantes (d’États comme de particuliers), création de systèmes au design trompeur (dark patterns) ; et conséquences négatives involontaires découlant, en partie, des deux premiers éléments (provoquant notamment la polarisation des discours).
. The conclusion we have reached is that Tim’s passion on restoring power over and control of data to individuals and actively building powerful collaborative systems needs to be the highest priority going forward. In order to best achieve this, Tim will focus his efforts to support his vision for the Solid Protocol and other decentralised systems.
Are we web yet? Well yes but with extra work. A lot of work.
The author provides its experience.
All the things I love about Django, could we have those for a Rust web framework so that we can reap the benefits of Rust without having to go needlessly slowly?
An attempt: https://git.sr.ht/~ntietz/newt
Using monospace fonts to design based on the ch unit.
Background: https://wickstrom.tech/2024-09-26-how-i-built-the-monospace-web.html
How to cache? It depends of the context: push vs pull and owned vs user.
Push means that the asset is pushed to a central server and then distributed.
Pull means the asset is referenced and the central server has to “pull” the content.
Owned means it’s owned by the central server.
User means it’s user-submitted content.
Push + owned
Make everything push + owned content if possible. "It turns out, however, that you can make a shit ton of other stuff push + owned if you try a little harder. "
How does the client check if they're expired?
Use “stale while re-validate”. Ur welc’
In summary:
- store asset
- use stale-while-re-validate access patterns
- should work offline
Push + User & Pull + Owned
Handle these with hash URLs. Hash the URL and treat it immutably.
Push + User: Forum comment -> hash URL
Pull + Owned: "in-content" assets. That’s where it’s user generated content, but not owned by the server.
- Load asset
- Use infinite TTL + hashed URLs
- Should not re-fetch across page/app reloads
Pull + User
That’s where it’s user generated content, but not owned by the server. Posting gifs into the chat is a prime example; linking a blog post and generating a media upload for that is another.
Guess what: this pattern fits for highly dynamic user-generated content, which means it’s the content users link to each other in-platform.
Stable URL, short TTL. YES, SHORT TTL. [...] Debounce + throttle? Sure. Micro-TTL? Yes. Cache? Never.
CLI tools can make great things
Different definition of a UI component, from the minimalistic css one to the SSR full page.
gov.uk does not use jQuery anymore.
L'utilisation incessante JavaScript de pointe a contribué à rendre le web moins accessible, en affectant de manière disproportionnée les utilisateurs dont les appareils et les conditions de réseau sont incapables de télécharger les énormes charges utiles associées à ces frameworks et (2) de gérer la mémoire requise pour exécuter le code du framework dans le navigateur. L'accent mis sur la création d'applications hautement interactives entraîne une coupure d'accès au Web de certains internautes.
Pire encore, les personnes qui ont tendance à posséder des appareils moins puissants et celles qui vivent dans des zones où la connexion à l'internet est plus lente sont souvent celles qui pourraient bénéficier le plus d'un accès bien soutenu au web (par exemple, pour accéder aux services gouvernementaux).
We simply have to recognize 3 things:
- First, if we do not continue to work to change the Internet, we really will have only two choices: the corporate salad or nothing.
- Second, the control of the Internet is ultimately in our hands, [... corporations] do not have the power to lock down the Internet to prevent us from going wherever we like, unless we believe their lie that our only two options are to eat their salad or leave.
- Third, each of us must banish the idea from his mind that he has failed if he creates a website and millions of people don't flock to it. That is corporate thinking, and it has no place on the small web.
Ideally, a personal website should be thought of as a gift to all Internet users.
Corporate search engines will almost never take you to a personal website unless you are either very lucky or you already know it exists. If you already know a website exists, you don't need a search engine to find it. This means only those who are motivated and know how to look will find what they are looking for on the small Internet.
It has a links to specific search engines.
For those who are not technically inclined, sites like these make starting your first blog easy: Bear Blog (free), Nekoweb (free), Mataroa (free or $9/yr for premium), and Write.as ($6/month).
IP and names in URLs can change. They will over time.