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A nice piece of technology that is developed here
Visualizing and understanding PostgreSQL EXPLAIN plans made easy.
Not sure why this is, but I’m guessing it’s got something to do with working with a schema. It exercises the same sort of brain muscles1 as designing data structures or architecting an application.
Full of advices on these misused and abuses
the goal for rainfrog is to provide a lightweight, terminal-based alternative to pgadmin/dbeaver.
That's very interesting
This is why databases accessed over a socket instead of being an embedded library are actually a great abstraction, not necessarily a technical one, but an organizational abstraction! During development it can be a simple container running on your developers machines, while in production it can be anything from a container running on the same server as your application, or a distributed cluster accessed through the network.
There is a Postgres compatibility plugin under development.
Today, at Postgres Conference 2024, we introduced a PostgreSQL extension we are developing, which enables MySQL applications to run on PostgreSQL without any code changes by supporting the MySQL wire protocol, SQL syntax, and procedural language.
- pg_trunk is a package manager for PostgresSQL databases.
- stored procedures allows to put logic into the postgres database
- extensions can generate JWT tokens, auth, ...
- caching with K/V stores: pg_cron & h_store
- pub/sub: PSQL notify/listen
- message queue with pgmg
- NoSQL databases are moving to support SQL (or mimic such a language)
- Time series with TimescaleDB
- Search terms with full-text search
- Rest API with PostgREST.
- Omnigres to create a complete platform
Everything is in it, but has to be found.
There are dedicated sections for SQL or DBA for example.
Find relevant indexes to set based on the usage of the postresSQL database.
Project challenges:
- Leadership disruption
- Poor Reputation
- Patent Attacks
- Identity Challenges
- Cloud Vendor Starvation
Competitive Challenges
- Decline of relational
- other solutions: embedded, document, columnar, data warehouse, full text search et time series
- rise of fork
Technical challenges
- write amplification
- cluster file encryption
- horizontal scaling
- obsolete toolchain (programming languages, support libraries, testing frameworks)
- drastic technology changes: new language, architecture or storage are difficult for Postgres to adopt
Inquiet de la perte de connaissance du métier de DBA. C'est une inquiétude qui me semble justifié.