207 private links
Everything should be written in #Rust
, but not everything deserves it.And that’s when I reach for #Go
And in the end I get paid to write #JavaScript
and #PHP
All latest major changes since 5.4
because it is possible
Fast documentation generation for a backend in PHP
PhPBB, but this time modern and easier to use.
Frontend can be plugged on it.
A caniuse-like service, but for PHP :)
Summary of new PHP features since v7.0
A simple and elegant web gallery index.php
In favor of php. It provides a summary of its current ecosystem.
Through config files
(for websites)
PHP ~ 80 %, followed by ASP.NET, Ruby and Java.
Javascript is represents only 1.5% of the backends for websites.
Si le contenu n'existe pas, on appelle un page php qui le génère, sinon on renvoie le contenu.
L'exemple avec .htaccess
Pas mal 👍
and php8 seems to be a great release too: https://www.php.net/releases/8.0/en.php
Un script simple PHP qui permet le partage de fichier.
Sous le coude, car ça peut resservir plus tard.
TL;DR PHP has improved and can be used for large-scale website